Harsh Environment / Remote Locations

TRADITIONAL OPTIONS FOR INTERNET CONNECTIVITY Today, users commonly connect to the internet in one of three ways. Terrestrial, wired connections. Currently, most people access the internet via a coaxial cable or fiber-optic line that connects directly to a modem/ wireless router in their home or office. That wire is physically connected to a vast network of cables that link back to the internet service provider and ultimately to the internet. Wired connections require a significant investment in materials and internet infrastructure that might not be an option for developing countries, hostile environments, or areas separated by treacherous terrain. Terrestrial systems are also vulnerable to disruption. Simply cut the cable and the connection is lost. Cell towers. Cell phones provide a relatively reliable internet connection. Your phone is connected to a cell tower using a radio frequency (RF) signal, which degrades over distance and can be overwhelmed by heavy traffic. For example, you’re at a crowded football game with a full-strength signal, but you can’t make a phone call or connect to the internet because thousands of people in the area are trying to connect at the same time. Satellites. Satellites with Medium Earth Orbits (1,243 to 22,236 miles above sea level) and High Earth Orbits (more than 22,236 miles above sea level) are used to deliver information, services, and content. However, the lag time (latency) increases the farther the satellite is from Earth. As a result, these types of satellites are best suited to one- way transmission such as sending television or radio signals or delivering streaming services. For

example, when watching a streaming television service, it’s tolerable to wait a few seconds for a video to buffer before you get a constant signal.

LATEST SOLUTION: LOW EARTH ORBIT SATELLITES LEO satellites provide the best solution for connecting remote, hostile, or rural areas to the internet when traditional terrestrial or cell-based internet connections aren’t an option. LEO is defined as fewer than 500 miles from the surface of the earth, though most LEO satellites are positioned approximately 250 miles above the earth. There are three key advantages to using satellites that are closer to the earth’s surface: Real-time conversations. Latency refers to the time it takes for a signal to be sent and returned. Therefore, the closer you are to the satellite, the shorter the delay between signal and response. LEO satellites allow for two-way communication in real time.

Reliable connections. Unlike a physical connection that can be severed or a cell tower that can be


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